Master Herbal Practitioner Training Course
"Our Culture is Shifting"
Our Herbal Practitioner training program does what no others do. At CIHAS we present your training in the most practical way possible, aimed at simulating a conversation you will have with a client in the future. With heavy emphasis on Global herbs, case studies and formulation, our Practitioner students also enjoy field trips, guest speakers, and business development training.

Start Your Career as a
Master Herbal Practitioner
Healing Mind, Body & Emotions Naturally
After decades of depending on Western medicine to provide responses to disease, people are now actively seeking alternative methods for healing in record numbers.
With so many seeking guidance (over 1/3 in the US alone) on the use of Herbs for better health, and so few well-trained Master Herbal Practitioners, the growth in Botanical Medicine opportunities could be significant.
Although a highly rewarding career may be your primary goal, you may be surprised to find deep satisfaction in the contribution you will make to the health and quality of life for so many.

The training you receive may positively affect the way you think and feel about your own physical and mental state.
With tools to effectively address your own healing - naturally.
You may enjoy an unexpected benefit reported by many students.
Many students tell us that our training tools and methods have greatly impacted their lives, and the lives of their families for the better.
Become a Master Herbal Practitioner! California Institute of the Healing Arts and Sciences (CIHAS)’s Master Herbal Practitioner comprehensive training program gives students highly relevant, practical working knowledge in Global Herbal studies. Career training like no other.
Training as a Master Herbal Practitioner, you will learn:
Fundamentals of Herbalism, with hands-on interaction with nearly 250 Global herbs