It's a fact of life, stress happens. Whether it's good or bad, it is inevitable. Identifying symptoms of stress and how to effectively manage it is what we will be talking about in this blog.
The first step to managing your stress levels is knowing what type of stress you are under and what could be the cause. There are times when we just don't know why we feel stressed and that's ok too, we will go over some holistic techniques to help you relax and live the quality of life you desire.
Let's Talk About the Symptoms
Keeping in mind, everyone handles stress differently but there are some common symptoms to help you identify the type of stress you are under. Some symptoms of stress can be very similar to certain medical conditions. It is important to see your doctor to rule out other health concerns you may have.
Common Symptoms of Negative Stress
Emotional Symptoms of stress include:
Becoming easily agitated, frustrated, and moody
Feeling overwhelmed, like you are losing control or need to take control
Having difficulty relaxing and quieting your mind
Feeling bad about yourself (low self-esteem), lonely, worthless, and depressed
Avoiding others
Physical Symptoms of stress include:
Low energy
Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea
Aches, pains, and tense muscles
Chest pain and rapid heartbeat
Frequent colds and infections
Loss of sexual desire and/or ability
Nervousness and shaking, ringing in the ear, cold or sweaty hands and feet
Dry mouth and difficulty swallowing
Clenched jaw and grinding teeth
Cognitive Symptoms of stress include:
Constant worrying or racing thoughts
Forgetfulness and disorganization
Inability to focus
Poor judgment
Being pessimistic or seeing only the negative side
Your mind, body and emotions are all connected, which is why when we get stressed out, it also affects our physical wellbeing.
Just by being here you’re already on your way to healing and reducing your stress. We want you to live your best life without the heavy weight of negative stress on your shoulders.
Try this
Wherever you are while reading this, take a moment and release the tension in your jaw, take a deep breath...inhale through your nose...relax your shoulders and exhale slowly - you got this and we are here to help!
12 Ways to Calm the Mind
The National Mental Health Association suggests the following steps a person can take to help relieve stress:
Talk it out. When something worries you, don’t bottle it up.
Escape for a while. When things go wrong, it helps to escape from the painful problem for awhile.
Work off your anger. Do something constructive with the pent-up energy.
Pitch into some physical activity, work it out in tennis or take a long walk.
Give in occasionally. Even if you’re right, it’s easier on your system to give in once in a while.
Do something for others. If you feel yourself worrying about yourself all the time, try doing something for somebody else.
Take one thing at a time. Take a few of the most urgent tasks and pitch into them, one at a time, setting aside all the rest for the time being.
Shun the “superman or superwoman” urge. No one can be perfect in everything.
Go easy with your criticism. Each person has his or her own virtues, values, and right to develop as an individual.
Give the other fellow a break. When you give the other fellow a break, you very often make things easier for yourself.
Make yourself “available.” Instead of shrinking away and withdrawing, it is much healthier, as well as more practical, to continue to make some of the overtures instead of always waiting to be asked.
Schedule your recreation. Many people drive themselves so hard that they allow themselves too little time for recreation; an essential for good physical and mental health.
More ways to alleviate stress
Grounding to the earth barefoot
Pranayama Breathing
Get out of your head by taking a walk and looking up at clouds and sky
Any of the symptoms listed in this blog may show up in our lives from time to time as a natural part of life. However, if symptoms come out of the blue or remain prevalent, you may need to seek medical or professional help.
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